Financial Wellness for a More Prosperous Future

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Hired’s participants are incredibly resourceful when it comes to providing for their families. Yet the cost of living has increased more than the federal minimum wage rate. That makes it increasingly difficult to pay for rent, healthcare, grocers, and other necessities.

Hired’s Financial Wellness program is set up to support participants in managing their finances, both for today and for the future.

“We have three tiers of financial wellness services,” said Pheng Lee, Hired’s financial coach. “This ensures that we can provide the information participants need, whether they’re just beginning to think about their finances or planning for a big purchase or paying off debt.

The Tier 1 services include workshops and presentations for groups of participants. In these sessions, we encourage individuals to start thinking about how they can take control of their finances, whether by establishing credit, tracking their spending or developing a budget.

Tier 2 focuses on providing answers to individualized questions. For example, a participant might ask about their credit report or how to negotiate a payment schedule for medical bills.

And in the Tier 3 level of services, participants work with Pheng to develop financial goals and a plan for the future. “We might work together on setting up a savings plan so the participant can buy a car or reduce their credit card burden,” said Pheng.

Funded with support from Thrivent Financial, financial wellness programming ensures that participants can expand their financial knowledge so they can provide for their families and plan for their futures.

After meeting with Pheng, Michelle, a Hired participant said, “You were very helpful, compassionate, understanding and motivating. You have so much knowledge that helped me and you are so good at what you do! You’re a great asset to Hired”! Financial wellness is just one example of the support services we provide participants so that they can move forward to a more prosperous and rewarding life.

For more information on the Financial Wellness program, contact Pheng Lee at