Dang’s Story: Striving for a Government Job

For Dang, the Career Pathways program at Hired is a family affair. She learned about the program from her husband’s aunt who first attended the Office Administration training. Then her husband enrolled in the program. Dang also wanted to attend, but the timing wasn’t right. She was working as an administrative assistant and her husband was in school full-time – and there are three children to care for.

 In the fall of 2020, during the pandemic, Dang had her opportunity and enrolled in Hired’s Office Administration training. The classes and job shadowing were all remote, which made the process a little more difficult. Yet the on-line shadowing of two county and one state employees reinforced Dang’s interest in working in the government sector.

 Upon completion of the program Dang took a job with a healthcare company. She still wanted to work for the government, though, and applied for a job at Ramsey County. Her application was ranked highly, but she had to wait a few months for the interview – and then the job offer. “I was so happy when I got the position and was able to work with the County, and I messaged my counselor right away,” said Dang.

 It wasn’t long before Dang had the opportunity to transition into another role with the County working in environmental health licensing. With the ongoing pandemic, she’s particularly grateful she can work from home.

 “I think this will be my forever job because I like what I’m doing and my team,” said Dang. “With my job changes, I was trying to get more experience. But I always wanted to work for the County. They have good benefits and it’s stable employment.”

Dang is still connected with her network of Hired classmates and staff. “Hired is a great source – especially if you want to do office work or have something stable. They provide good references and will connect you with contacts. If you need help with anything, Hired will do it.”