What do you enjoy about working for Hired?

Working with clients and being able to help people. Having the ability to give feedback and advice that someone might not have known or thought of before. Being a key part to helping shape and mold someone's life without even really knowing it, and not only their life but the lives of their children as well.

Describe other hobbies you do and why you enjoy them:

I enjoy cooking, it is something I like to do for fun. I like to look up different recipes on YouTube and try them out with my family. A real hobby of mine is reading. I've read hundreds of books, if you see me looking at my phone for an extended period of time, I'm actually reading. Doesn't matter what it is about, fiction/non-fiction, I have no real preference.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you:

I'm a secretly into anything tech-related. I am the go to person in my home when it comes to technology.

Describe yourself in three words:


If you were a superhero, what powers would you have and why?

Mind reader. The nosey person in me really wants to know what people are actually thinking.

If you could be a pro at any talent, what would it be?

Play the piano, the music that is makes is so beautiful to me, I always wanted to have that talent.

If you could travel, when would you go and why?

I'm not sure where I would want to go, I just know I would want to travel in the future. I think the past is the past for a reason, but I would love to take a sneak peek of what the future holds. Maybe a major event in my child's life like his wedding or first child being born.

What is your favorite food/movie/book:

Favorite book (right now): An American Marriage by Tayari Jones

Do you have any pets?

Bearded Dragon named Theo